
How You Can Recycle Blister Packs in Australia

Afonso Firmo
December 7, 2023
5 min read

How You Can Recycle Blister Packs in Australia

Blister packs are commonly used for medications and various products, but their recycling can be challenging due to the mix of materials they contain. In Australia, innovative initiatives have been introduced to facilitate the recycling of these packs, helping to reduce waste and environmental impact.

Understanding Blister Packs

Blister packs typically consist of a plastic cavity and an aluminum foil backing. They are used to package items like pharmaceuticals, vitamins, and small consumer goods. However, they cannot be recycled through regular council kerbside recycling services due to their composite nature​​.

Recycling Programs in Australia

There multiple initiatives the support Australians to recycle blister packs. The main programs supporting blister packs reycling in Australia are:

  • Terracycle
  • Pharmacycle
  • Banish

This article covers in more details each of the programs and how they work.

Pharmacycle Initiative

Pharmacycle is an initiative that has set up 330+ collection points across Australia for used and empty medication blister packs and webster packs. This program has increased the number of recycling drop-off points, making it easier for Australians to recycle these items responsibly​​​​.

Pharmacycle Box used in pharmacies to collect blister packs

Recycling at Home with Pharmacycle in Australia

Pharmacycle also offers satchels and boxes for household use, allowing individuals to recycle blister packs from the convenience of their home. These satchels can hold up to 200 blister packs, providing a practical solution for accumulating and recycling these items​​.

Pharmacycle Satchel

Recycling in Hospitals with Pharmacycle in Australia

Hospitals who want to participate in the circular economy can also join Pharmacycle by implementing specific hospital collection systems.

240L Pharmacycle Bin to recycle blister packs in hospitals

Chemists' Own and TerraCycle

Chemists’ Own, in partnership with TerraCycle, has launched a recycling program for household blister pack waste. This initiative allows Australians to drop off their empty blister packs at participating pharmacies, making recycling these items more accessible and convenient​​.

Australians can also purchase a Zero Waste Box for $275 AUD and then send the material via post for recycling.

TerraCycle does not disclose whether the blister packs are recycled in Australia.

Pharmacycle Zero Waste Box


The Banish Recycling and Disposal Program (BRAD) offers a solution via post for recycling blister packs. Customer can send up to a shoe box worth of blister packs and other materials for recycling.

Sydney based customers can drop-off blister packs for recycling in Banish CBD store.

Banish separates and sends most of material received for recycling via partners. Some clean plastic plastics are made into products by Banish.

The Importance of Recycling Blister Packs

Recycling blister packs is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Environmental Protection: By recycling, millions of blister packs can be diverted from landfill, reducing environmental pollution and conserving resources​​.
  2. Sustainable Practices: These programs support sustainable practices in waste management, aligning with global efforts to minimize environmental impact.
  3. Community Involvement: Participating in these recycling programs fosters community engagement in environmental conservation efforts.


The emergence of blister pack recycling programs in Australia is a significant step towards sustainable waste management. By participating in these programs, individuals can contribute to environmental protection and help promote a circular economy. It's essential to stay informed about local recycling options and support initiatives like those offered by Chemists’ Own, TerraCycle, and Pharmacycle.

Australia's only complete blister pack recycling solution
1800 344 003

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